We’re a non-profit climate change think tank which uses data analysis to build evidence-based campaigns on climate policy
We focus on EU policies such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, carbon border adjustment mechanisms and emissions reductions in industrial sectors. We believe in Europe’s ability to lead climate action by example and use its large market and ability to stimulate technological competition as an incentive for others to follow. But we’re also aware of the risk that Europe might fail to deliver on its own pledges, which is why we want to get EU climate policy right.
Our Work
Carbon Pricing
Our accomplishments on Carbon Pricing
Our policy recommendations on EU industry
Our work on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Data Tools
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Our research on EU funding
Member States polarised on Effort Sharing reform
...and risk losing out on the opportunities for new investment in non-ETS sectors across Europe EU Council debate In Monday’s EU Council debate, the polarisation of Member States’ views on Effort...
ESR plenary vote leaves little room for Member State innovation
For immediate release, Wednesday 14th June 2017 Contact boris@sandbag.org.uk for more information European Parliament vote on Effort Sharing Regulation leaves little room for effort to be shared...
New European Parliament climate policy cuts half a billion tonnes of CO2
For immediate release, Thursday 1st June 2017 Contact (+32) 2893 9208 suzana@sandbag.org.uk for more information New European Parliament climate policy cuts half a billion tonnes of CO2...
Steeling ourselves for the future: Steelmakers can help to cut EU emissions
EU ETS reform risks failing to cut the steel sector’s emissions whilst boosting the sector's unearned profits - this was the key message of a letter delivered yesterday to Heads of European Member...
It’s time for growth: Europe needs more low-carbon projects in non-ETS sectors
In October 2014, EU Heads of State and Governments agreed to reduce emissions in non-ETS sectors including transport, buildings, waste and agriculture by 30% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. Today,...
Forecasting ETS Surpluses
On 12th May, the Commission for the first time published the scale of the ETS surplus[1]. This is the first time this has been published by the Commission since phase 2 started in 2008. We welcome...
Sandbag is recognised as a top global climate think-tank

Mundo Matogné. Rue d’Edimbourg 26, Ixelles 1050 Belgium. Sandbag is a not-for-profit (ASBL) organisation registered in Belgium under the number 0707.935.890. EU transparancy register no. 277895137794-73. VAT: BE0707935890