Blog posts

Towards a minimum recycled steel content in passenger cars: setting an initial target

Towards a minimum recycled steel content in passenger cars: setting an initial target

The EU has around 286 million motor vehicles, and every year, 6.5 million of these are scrapped. If the steel scrap from these end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) is not managed well, valuable resources are lost, harming the environment. With the EU preparing its ELV Regulation, which could set targets for minimum recycled steel content for passenger cars : what should those targets be?

In or Out: What’s best for carbon removals and the EU ETS?

In or Out: What’s best for carbon removals and the EU ETS?

What will the future of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) look like as the emissions cap heads towards zero? Is integrating carbon dioxide removals (CDRs) into the ETS a solution to help the EU achieve its climate goals? Or would they compromise the integrity and functioning of the system? These questions are at the forefront of the Commission’s mind as they review different options for the future of the ETS ahead of the 2026 revision.


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