We’re a non-profit climate change think tank which uses data analysis to build evidence-based campaigns on climate policy
We focus on EU policies such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, carbon border adjustment mechanisms and emissions reductions in industrial sectors. We believe in Europe’s ability to lead climate action by example and use its large market and ability to stimulate technological competition as an incentive for others to follow. But we’re also aware of the risk that Europe might fail to deliver on its own pledges, which is why we want to get EU climate policy right.
Our Work
Carbon Pricing
Our accomplishments on Carbon Pricing
Our policy recommendations on EU industry
Our work on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Data Tools
Explore all of our data tools
Our research on EU funding
The ESR is a new revenue source for Bulgaria – and it can cut CO2 at the same time
As the Bulgarian presidency of the European Council draws to a close this week, we look at the potential for rapid emission reduction projects in Bulgaria through cutting coal used to heat buildings...
The EU scores a hat-trick, but will it win the climate World Cup?
Yesterday’s deal was unimaginable when the EU Clean Energy Package was proposed in 2016 – but it’s still not keeping pace with the Paris Agreement
Taking the pulse of Romania’s energy transition
Sandbag recently contributed to a #FutureOfEurope debate as part of the 6th annual Eurosfat conference in Bucharest
How can we reduce emissions from small fossil fuel generators?
In the near term the UK grid will require some additional fossil peaking plant, which will work alongside batteries and DSR to ensure the lights stay on.
Launching Sandbag’s report on barriers to industrial decarbonisation
Businesses are clear that changes to the ETS benchmarks are needed – to facilitate low-carbon production methods, and eliminate perverse incentives to pollute.
NEW DATA: European ETS emissions rise for first time in 7 years
Today, the European Commission published the preliminary 2017 emissions under the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Sandbag has analysed the data, and we explain in six graphics what you need to know.
Sandbag is recognised as a top global climate think-tank

Mundo Matogné. Rue d’Edimbourg 26, Ixelles 1050 Belgium. Sandbag is a not-for-profit (ASBL) organisation registered in Belgium under the number 0707.935.890. EU transparancy register no. 277895137794-73. VAT: BE0707935890