Minding the gap requires building bridges
The moment when 196 countries signed on to this Agreement and the ratification threshold was met in 2016, the Requiem for inappropriately low carbon prices started playing in the background.
The moment when 196 countries signed on to this Agreement and the ratification threshold was met in 2016, the Requiem for inappropriately low carbon prices started playing in the background.
Zhang Yong hailed the dawn of China’s carbon market today
Two new briefings show how small changes to the Effort Sharing Regulation – currently being debated by the European Institutions – could slow EU greenhouse gas emissions cuts. Hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 emissions are at stake.
New ETS reforms guarantee that emissions reductions from coal phase-out, energy efficiency and renewables policy will not ‘pop up’ elsewhere in the EU
The Effort Sharing Regulation doesn’t fit emissions – Trialogue needs real reform for a cost-effective climate change policy