Oct 26, 2016
26 October 2016 Increasing CO2 intensity: Data from the Cement Sustainability Initiative shows that the carbon intensity of EU cement increased from 2008 to 2014. No carbon leakage: Since 2011, the EU cement sector has vastly increased exports of cement clinker...
Oct 26, 2016
ANALIZA W JĘZYKU POLSKIM On September 30th 2016, the Polish Ministry of Development completed a broad public consultation on the Government’s Responsible Development Strategy (Strategia Odpowiedzialnego Rozwoju). In a recent report “How the <<...
Oct 25, 2016
Modelling Phase 4 reforms to Free Allocation – Avoiding the CSCF For this report Sandbag has built a model to compare different combinations of ETS reform choices for Free Allocation of allowances. We have used the Commission’s Proposal as a starting point and...
Sep 26, 2016
The European Commission has asked for responses to its proposal on the Effort Sharing Regulation, which came out on July 20th 2016. This document provides Sandbag Climate Campaign’s response. Our key recommendations are: The target needs to be made more relevant The...
Sep 26, 2016
The EU carbon market is broken for all the wrong reasons. Successful advances in the Energiewende agenda across Europe now require adjustment of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) to fit with the reality of falling emissions. We have already accumulated a surplus...