NEW DATA: 2018 ETS emissions fall

Sandbag’s annual analysis of the Emissions Trading System data release for 2018 CO2, including Europe’s Top Ten emitters

Halfway There

New modelling shows existing policies put Europe on track for emission cuts of at least 50% by 2030

Results: Barriers to Decarbonisation Call for Evidence

Results of the Call For Evidence Barriers to EU industrial decarbonisation - and proposed solutions Download the Report 7 Industries operating within the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) account for some 42% of the bloc’s total CO₂ emissions. Reducing...

Climate of Cooperation

Sandbag’s new report shows that agreed reform of the Effort Sharing Regulation would only require very limited emissions cuts beyond current efforts, and lets the EU miss its 2030 climate change target. 
However, cooperation between EU countries could rescue the target, and reduce costs for all involved.