May 2, 2015
With EUETS data now 99.9% complete, Sandbag has updated our analysis of emissions, including data on country and industry surplus.
May 1, 2015
The deal struck by the Council in Coreper agreed a January 2019 start to the market stability reserve and the placement of both unallocated allowances and backloaded allowances into the MSR. In order to break the blocking minority on start date led by...
Apr 20, 2015
In this briefing Sandbag argues that Lithuania could reap advantages from supporting an enhanced Market Stability Reserve. We first argue why Lithuania should reconsider its position on the MSR. Then we present strong evidence based on ETS data, revealing the various...
Apr 2, 2015
Sandbag argues that the Czech Republic could reap advantages from backing an enhanced Market Stability Reserve (MSR), with an early start, and the backload and unallocated allowances prevented from coming to market. We first argue why Czech Republic should reconsider...
Apr 1, 2015
En el presente informe Sandbag expone las ventajas que España experimentaría al respaldar una MSR más ambiciosa. En primer lugar argumentamos por qué España debería reconsiderar su posición acerca de la MSR. Luego exponemos pruebas sólidas basadas en los datos del...