What will the future of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) look like as the emissions cap heads towards zero? Is integrating carbon dioxide removals (CDRs) into the ETS a solution to help the EU achieve its climate goals? Or would they compromise the integrity and functioning of the system? These questions are at the forefront of the Commission’s mind as they review different options for the future of the ETS ahead of the 2026 revision.
Category: Briefs
A closer look at 2023 emissions: steelmaking caused a quarter of industry pollution
This brief analyses 2023 emissions under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), using the latest data available from the EU Transaction Log (EUTL) . It particularly focuses on the iron and steel sector.
Supply and demand in the EU ETS: It’s the hydrogen, stupid!
Learn about the supply and demand balance of the EU ETS through the end of its fourth phase in 2030, based on the latest market data and policy parameters. Are the results aligned with the EU’s target of a 55% reduction in emissions?
Precursors: the products that will eat away at the CBAM’s effectiveness
The proposed Cross-Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will charge a fee based on the carbon content of some industrial products imported into the EU (listed in Annex I of the regulation), but that may not be applicable to all the embedded emissions of these products....
The ESR is a new revenue source for Bulgaria – and it can cut CO2 at the same time
As the Bulgarian presidency of the European Council draws to a close this week, we look at the potential for rapid emission reduction projects in Bulgaria through cutting coal used to heat buildings - and cutting energy poverty at the same time. Much more analysis on...
The EU scores a hat-trick, but will it win the climate World Cup?
Yesterday’s deal was unimaginable when the EU Clean Energy Package was proposed in 2016 – but it’s still not keeping pace with the Paris Agreement
Taking the pulse of Romania’s energy transition
Sandbag recently contributed to a #FutureOfEurope debate as part of the 6th annual Eurosfat conference in Bucharest
China’s national ETS launches today: Is it an early Christmas present for the climate?
Zhang Yong hailed the dawn of China’s carbon market today
Electric vehicle transition must drive acceleration in UK renewables
The exponential growth in uptake of electric vehicles (EV) represents an exciting step change which could have huge benefits for air quality and the climate. Sandbag is fully supportive of this change; here, we explore how the environmental benefits can be maximised....
ESR plenary vote leaves little room for Member State innovation
For immediate release, Wednesday 14th June 2017 Contact boris@sandbag.org.uk for more information European Parliament vote on Effort Sharing Regulation leaves little room for effort to be shared between Member States, and fails to implement the Paris Agreement. 14th...