Jan 20, 2021 | Aviation, EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), Offsetting
Now boarding for better climate action under EU ETS aviation rules It’s a major year of reform for many aspects of the EU ETS, and aviation is no exception. The European Commission will soon decide how its key climate policy will interact with international attempts...
Jan 5, 2021 | EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), Industry
Benchmarks and Free Allocation: Details reveal problems in the EU ETS Sandbag is actively campaigning for changes to the EU ETS benchmarking system and an end to free allocation in the upcoming EU ETS reform. In the meantime, the current EU ETS remains in place. On...
Dec 3, 2020 | EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
Times of change for the EU ETS Sandbag's feedback on the upcoming revision In just one month, Phase IV of the EU ETS will start, bringing in many changes that were negotiated during past revisions of Europe’s carbon market. But even more changes are coming down the...
Oct 28, 2020 | Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Carbon Border Adjustments in the EU: who, what, when, why and how? The public consultation on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is coming to a close. The European Commission has been collecting stakeholder opinions on one of its most talked-about policy projects:...