Sep 11, 2015 | CCS, Publications
Last week, Sandbag submitted its response to the Commission’s Consultation on the Circular Economy, drawing attention to the understated potential of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and mineralisation technologies to close the carbon loop and recycle wastes into...
Aug 3, 2015 | Carbon Markets, ETS
As pressure mounts on leaders to reach a new global climate change agreement this December, European policymakers have begun the process of constructing laws that will enforce Europe’s emissions cuts out to 2030. In July, the European Commission released a first major...
Jul 15, 2015 | Publications
Sandbag has prepared the following statement in reaction to the Commission’s revision of the EU ETS Directive published earlier today. download PDF
Jul 13, 2015 | Carbon Markets, ETS, Publications
On Wednesday, the EU Commission will release new legislation to reform Europe’s key climate policy, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). This will kick off a year-long debate about how best to marry low carbon ambitions with economic competitiveness. In our...
Jun 26, 2015 | CCS, Climate financing, Publications
Deep emissions reductions in the European power sector are already occurring, but emissions reductions in industrial sectors have been largely limited to incremental efficiency gains. In a new briefing, Sandbag looks at a funding model for industrial decarbonisation...