Jul 12, 2023 | Carbon Pricing, CBAM, General, Publications
Feedback on the Draft of the CBAM Implementing Regulation We welcome the Commission’s draft of the CBAM implementing regulation concerning the reporting obligations and provisional methodology for calculating embedded emissions in CBAM goods. However, we have...
Feb 21, 2023 | CBAM, Industry, Publications, Steel
Mind the scrap: ignoring embedded emissions puts the CBAM at risk Sandbag’s submission to DG TAXUD’s Informal Expert Group on the Analytical Methods for the Monitoring, Reporting, Quantification and Verification of Embedded Emissions in Goods under the Scrope of the...
Nov 21, 2022 | CBAM, Industry, Publications
ETS and CBAM should not discourage circularity The reform of the European carbon market (ETS, for Emissions Trading Scheme) and related Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will define the future of the circular economy for years to come. These two files are in...
Nov 10, 2022 | CBAM, Industry, Publications
Precursors: the products that will eat away at the CBAM’s effectiveness The proposed Cross-Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will charge a fee based on the carbon content of some industrial products imported into the EU (listed in Annex I of the regulation), but that...