Sep 26, 2016
The EU carbon market is broken for all the wrong reasons. Successful advances in the Energiewende agenda across Europe now require adjustment of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) to fit with the reality of falling emissions. We have already accumulated a surplus...
Sep 10, 2016
The Polish Ministry of the Economy has been consulting on Poland’s energy policy for the first half of this century. The current draft largely forsees business as usual, with an enormous reliance on coal power without Carbon Capture and Storage. In...
Jul 26, 2016
This report shows that EU-wide cost-effective emission reduction opportunities will not align with Member States’ national reduction targets. These targets will be set based on GDP/capita with some adjustments in line with the solidarity principle. If the sharing of...
Jul 23, 2016
A report produced with the Ecofin Research Foundation, Element Energy, Poyry, and the investment community represented in the UK CCS Commercial Development Group. This report outlines the key actions needed for the government’s forthcoming CCS strategy, due Q4...
Jun 26, 2016
Sandbag’s projections show that under many scenarios the MSR will grow to contain several billion allowances. This risks endangering both market stability and long term environmental goals. A threshold needs to be put in place to limit the size of the MSR with...