Help or Hindrance? Offsetting in the EU ETS

Help or Hindrance? Offsetting in the EU ETS

This report follows on from work analysing offset usage that Sandbag started in 2009. Its primary purpose is to highlight what is happening on the ground. Linking the installations in the EU ETS with the projects they bought offset from has brought the use of carbon...
Belgian Carbon Fatcats

Belgian Carbon Fatcats

A collaboration between Sandbag and WWF Belgium, this briefing identifies the ten companies which have obtained the largest surpluses of ETS allowances from the Belgian government. Against industry’s claims that the ETS drives operations overseas, the briefing...
Czech Fat Cats

Czech Fat Cats

This joint briefing with the Centre for Transport and Energy (CDE) investigates the current level of allowance oversupply in the Czech Republic, and specifically at the top ten companies who have amassed the largest amount of allowances. Press release: Nejštědřejší...
Losing the lead? Europe's flagging carbon market

Losing the lead? Europe's flagging carbon market

Losing the lead is Sandbag’s 4th annual report on the Environmental Outlook for the EU ETS – following on from ETS S.O.S. (2009), Cap or Trap? (2010) and Buckle Up! (2011). This report again uses latest emissions data to examine how the ETS is performing on the ground...