As the Bulgarian presidency of the European Council draws to a close this week, we look at the potential for rapid emission reduction projects in Bulgaria through cutting coal used to heat buildings - and cutting energy poverty at the same time. Much more analysis on...
Category: Climate financing
Climate of Cooperation: Why countries need to cooperate to cut ESR emissions cost-effectively
Sandbag’s new report shows that agreed reform of the Effort Sharing Regulation would only require very limited emissions cuts beyond current efforts, and lets the EU miss its 2030 climate change target.However, cooperation between EU countries could rescue the target,...
Effort sharing 2.0
Our new report shows EU cooperation is needed to unlock cost-effective reductions
Member States polarised on Effort Sharing reform
...and risk losing out on the opportunities for new investment in non-ETS sectors across Europe EU Council debate In Monday’s EU Council debate, the polarisation of Member States’ views on Effort Sharing (ESR) and land use (LULUCF) sectors became apparent -...
ESR plenary vote leaves little room for Member State innovation
For immediate release, Wednesday 14th June 2017 Contact for more information European Parliament vote on Effort Sharing Regulation leaves little room for effort to be shared between Member States, and fails to implement the Paris Agreement. 14th...
New European Parliament climate policy cuts half a billion tonnes of CO2
For immediate release, Thursday 1st June 2017 Contact (+32) 2893 9208 for more information New European Parliament climate policy cuts half a billion tonnes of CO2 Parliament’s Environment Committee (ENVI) voted on Tuesday to improve the Effort...
Flexibilities now: How to get more for less from the EU Effort Sharing Decision?
DG CLIMA, European Commission’s (EC) service for climate change mitigation, will publish the proposal of changes to the EU Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) around 20 July. We expect that the proposal has now entered into the ‘interservice consultation’ where it is...
The Effort Sharing Dinosaur: Avoiding extinction for the EU’s climate ambition
Today, Thursday 26 May Sandbag has released a new report on the cumulative surplus of Annual Emission Allocations (AEAs) under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) – the EU’s bigger, but less well-known climate instrument, alongside the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)....
Is it worth it? Federley’s proposal on the Innovation Fund
Update 04/05/16 following full publication of Mr Federley’s proposal The 150 million ETS allowances proposed to be used to top up the Innovation Fund are not destined to be removed the Market Stability Reserve (MSR), as reported in the media (see below). Apologies for...
ETS funds can break the climate ambition deadlock
See our newest paper “Sharing the Burden – EU ETS Support to Central and Eastern Europe” for detailed policy solutions regarding low-carbon funds in the EU ETS revision. To anybody that follows the post-Paris developments it’s clear that the debate about European...