Seizing Romania’s Renewable Potential

Seizing Romania’s Renewable Potential Romania's once-in-a-lifetime chance to tap its huge potential for renewable energy production While today Romania is still highly dependent on fossil fuels, the country has huge potential for renewable energy production. In the...

The EU’s Industrial Red Herring

The EU's Industrial Red Herring Sandbag’s response to the EU’s Industrial Strategy. Download the report 12 March 2020...

The ABC of BCAs

The A-B-C of BCAs An overview of the issues around introducing Border Carbon Adjustments in the EU Border Carbon Adjustments (BCAs) price greenhouse gas emissions embodied in imports to the European Union (EU). This helps create a market for low-carbon goods inside...

Just Transition or Just Talk?

New report reveals the 11 EU countries planning to stick with coal power beyond 2030 – An assessment of the draft National Energy and Climate Plans