The Sovereign Emissions Rights Framework

The Sovereign Emissions Rights Framework

The Sovereign Emission Rights Framework is a special report prepared by Sandbag as part of its response to the European Commission stakeholder consultation on the 2015 international climate change agreement. In the runup to the 2015 Climate Conference, our new report...
Progress on carbon budgets – evidence submitted to the UK Environmental Audit Committee

EC Consultation response on Structural Options to Reform the EU ETS

Sandbag’s formal written submission to the European Commission stakeholder consultation on structural reforms to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Our submission argues for the cancellation of 2.2. billion allowances to restore the scarcity originally envisaged...
Carbon Fatcat Companies in Greece

Carbon Fatcat Companies in Greece

This briefing, published jointly with WWF Greece, highlights the surpluses accruing to all Greek manufacturing sectors, and focussing on the ten most oversupplied companies operating in the ETS in Greece. For two companies profiled, Lafarge and Titan Cement are shown...