Oct 31, 2015
Sandbag is eager to see a strong 5th carbon budget put in place that ensures the UK can fully meet its international obligations and cost-effectively meet its 2050 target. This will require building in appropriate margins of error when estimating our future EU...
Oct 29, 2015
Sandbag’s complementary briefing to accompany our response to theEuropean Commission’s new Energy Market Design consultation. In it, we propose a European-wide electricity supplier decarbonisation obligation, to enable continued decarbonisation in the face...
Oct 29, 2015
The term ‘Carbon Capture and Storage’ (CCS) has been too narrowly focused on capturing CO2 emissions from coal power and building large transport and storage networks for deep geologic storage. In fact, CCS covers a suite of technologies for capturing CO2...
Sep 30, 2015
responding_to_ets_revision_-_briefing This briefing represents Sandbag’s official feedback to the Commission’s draft ETS revision. Building on on our consultation submission and two reports published shortly before and shortly after the Commission...
Sep 5, 2015
Response by the Carbon Tracker Initiative and Sandbag to the HM Treasury Technical Consultation on the Bank of England bill (Consultation closes 11th September 2015)