Category: CCS

Steel and CCS/U

Steel and CCS/U

Carbon capture, storage and/or utilisation (CCS/U) technologies are often touted as a ‘catch all’ solution for the decarbonisation of heavy industry, but their effectiveness and relevance vary widely across applications. This new report offers a comprehensive...

CCU-fuels are not renewable

 30th NOVEMBER UPDATE The Commission published its proposals for the Renewable Energy Directive today as part of the EU's Winter Package. You can read them here. Disappointingly, a loophole that allows non-renewable CCU-fuels to contribute to the EU renewables target...

Paris means negative emissions

Paris means negative emissions

Brexit may mean Brexit, but Paris means negative emissions. Today, as the global agreement enters into force, governments and civil society must act in concert to deploy carbon negative technology. If governments worldwide are serious in their Paris Agreement plans...

Putting CO2 into the circular economy

Last week, Sandbag submitted its response to the Commission’s Consultation on the Circular Economy, drawing attention to the understated potential of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and mineralisation technologies to close the carbon loop and recycle wastes into...