A tale of two surpluses

This report considers the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) cancellation options for Phase 4 of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). A combination of elements from the European Parliament and Council positions, if maintained in trialogues, would leave the EU ETS in...

The Carbon Leakage Conundrum

How do we prevent industrial carbon leakage? How can we reform the EU ETS to ensure it promotes green industrial growth?

The Czech ETS fat cats. České tlusté kočky.

Please note that this briefing produced by Sandbag and Centre for Transport and Energy (CDE) includes both Czech and English Executive summary.   The Emissions Trading System (ETS), the EU’s flagship climate policy, was introduced in 2005. Legislative reforms are...

NEW DATA: European coal emissions plummet by 11% in 2016

But the low carbon price is threatening further decarbonisation   01 April 2017 Today, the European Commission published the preliminary 2016 emissions under the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Sandbag has analysed the data, and we explain in 8 graphs below what...