Carbo diem: Seizing Italy’s opportunities in the EU ETS

Carbo diem: Seizing Italy’s opportunities in the EU ETS

To date Italy has perceived its obligations under both the Kyoto Protocol and the EU Emissions Trading System purely as a punitive cost to be shouldered rather than an opportunity for development. Not only has this made Italy nervous of European efforts to increase...
E R Who?: Joint Implementation and the EU Emissions Trading System

E R Who?: Joint Implementation and the EU Emissions Trading System

This report follows on from Sandbag’s ‘International Offsets and the EU 2009’ report released in July 2010. That report focused specifically on the use of CDM credits generated in uncapped countries, which make up the overwhelming majority of offsets used for...
Cap or trap – How the EU ETS risks locking-in carbon emissions

Cap or trap – How the EU ETS risks locking-in carbon emissions

This report critically evaluates the perfomance and prospects of the EU ETS as it currently stands. It explores how Phase 2 caps have been weakend by recession, and how slack from Phase 2 – in the form of unused offset credits – is likely to defer...