California's set-aside model

California's set-aside model

This briefing explores how set aside legislation is being introduced from the outset into California’s cap-and-trade legislation. The Californian scheme contains two strategic reserves of permits: the larger one is an Allowance Price Containment Reserve, which helps...
Der Klimagoldesel: Wer sind die Gewinner des EU Emissionshandels?

Der Klimagoldesel: Wer sind die Gewinner des EU Emissionshandels?

In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir bereits in verschiedenen Berichten dargestellt, ob und wie sich das europäische Emissionshandelssystem (EU ETS) bewährt hat. Unter Nutzung öffentlich zugänglicher sowie von uns selbst ermittelter Daten haben wir nun untersucht, wie...
Buckle Up! Tighten the cap and avoid the carbon crash

Buckle Up! Tighten the cap and avoid the carbon crash

Three years into Europe’s Emissions Trading System second trading period – how is it performing? This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the environmental outlook of the ETS, covering permit allocations, oversupply, companies use of offsets and...
Carbon Fat Cats 2011

Carbon Fat Cats 2011

Thanks to overly optimistic forecasts of growth and fierce lobbying by heavy industry the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has failed to incentivise cost effective reductions in emissions and instead enabled some companies to profit from the scheme. This report looks...