Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve

Stabilising the Market Stability Reserve

Sandbag’s projections show that under many scenarios the MSR will grow to contain several billion allowances. This risks endangering both market stability and long term environmental goals. A threshold needs to be put in place to limit the size of the MSR with...
Getting In Touch With Reality

Getting In Touch With Reality

Rebasing the EU ETS Phase 4 cap   Sandbag’s report on Phase 4 reform of the ETS proposes that the Phase 4 EU ETS cap should be realigned to match the reality of emissions in 2020, preferably accompanied by an increase in the Linear Reduction Factor: In 2015...
2015 ETS Emissions Analysis (1st April preliminary data)

2015 ETS Emissions Analysis (1st April preliminary data)

Total emissions are 11mt down, or 0.6%, from 1813mt to 1802mt  •Exact levels uncertain, as 10% of emissions have not been published (mostly Polish) Power and heat emissions fell 0.6%, from 1073mt to 1065mt    This fall follows a massive 8% in 2014 power sector...
Options for Reforming the EU ETS

Options for Reforming the EU ETS

This briefing is prepared to coincide with the meeting of Energy and Environment Ministers in Horsens Denmark. It reviews some of the main options for ETS reform, exploring measures both to fix the supply of allowances in the short term and also to establish an...