Electrification and flexibility are critical to decarbonising both industrial and electricity systems. But what happens when we combine the two? Industrial flexibility will play an increasingly important role as industry moves towards electrification.
Category: Reports
Steel and CCS/U: Decarbonisation potential, costs, and bottlenecks
Carbon capture, storage and/or utilisation (CCS/U) technologies are often touted as a ‘catch all’ solution for the decarbonisation of heavy industry, but their effectiveness and relevance vary widely across applications. This new report offers a comprehensive assessment of CCS/U technologies in the context of iron and steel manufacturing in Europe.
A Scrap Game: Impacts of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Currently, we are in the CBAM transitional period, with negotiations ongoing for its full implementation in January 2026. Learn about the legislative process and the effect of this policy on the EU’s main trade partners, especially China.
From Niche to Mainstream: Shaping Demand for Green Steel
This report on the demand for green steel examines the impact of steel production using low-carbon technologies further down the value chain. Key Takeaways Due to weak carbon prices and high electricity costs, producing green steel incurs in a premium, which...
Balancing effort across the EU in the next phase of the Effort Sharing Decision could save more than 2 billion tonnes of CO2
Next week the Commission should publish a new legislative proposal on the EU Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) for 2021-2030. Today Sandbag reveals that a rebalancing of emission reduction effort around the EU under the ESD could incentivise an additional reduction of 2...
The Effort Sharing Dinosaur: Avoiding extinction for the EU’s climate ambition
Today, Thursday 26 May Sandbag has released a new report on the cumulative surplus of Annual Emission Allocations (AEAs) under the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) – the EU’s bigger, but less well-known climate instrument, alongside the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)....