Benchmarks and Free Allocation: Details reveal problems in the EU ETS

Benchmarks and Free Allocation: Details reveal problems in the EU ETS

Benchmarks and Free Allocation: Details reveal problems in the EU ETS Sandbag is actively campaigning for changes to the EU ETS benchmarking system and an end to free allocation in the upcoming EU ETS reform. In the meantime, the current EU ETS remains in place. On...

Seizing Romania’s Renewable Potential

Seizing Romania’s Renewable Potential Romania's once-in-a-lifetime chance to tap its huge potential for renewable energy production While today Romania is still highly dependent on fossil fuels, the country has huge potential for renewable energy production. In the...

2020 Industrial Relaunch

This report has been informed by a call for evidence conducted by Sandbag between October 2019 – January 2020 and builds on Sandbag’s previous work on industrial emissions policy. It follows on from Sandbag’s report on Barriers to Industrial Decarbonisation, published...